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Charoite Tumble by 100g

Charoite Tumble by 100g

Regular price $63.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $63.00 CAD
Sale Sold out
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Dimension Sizes vary
Product Tumble
Crystal Charoite
Quantity Varies based on size
Weight 100g


Please ask for approximate count per 100g bag. 

Chakras:  Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th), above head, Solar Plexus (2nd), Root (1st), and below feet.

Key Words: revealing path of life purpose, purging inner negativity, letting go, protection, healing Stimulates 3rd Eye, Crown & Soul Star chakras, & it activates the Solar Plexus, Root & Earthstar chakras. 

Stimulates intuitive & psychic ability, clears negativity & assists one to be a more effective healer, overcome resistance to sacred path, separate one’s issues from others issues, assists with energetic boundaries & interpretation of psychic information, strengthen body &energy field by grounding high frequency energy into physical.

Affirmation: I ask for the revelation of highest path of service, and I embrace it fully, knowing I am protected from all harm.

Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian


Items out of stock will be restocked as soon as we can get it available from our supplier - be aware that process can take time (allow for 3-6months). Please check back often and we will do our best to restock in a timely manner.

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