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Goldstone Tumble by 500g, Small 20mm - 25mm

Goldstone Tumble by 500g, Small 20mm - 25mm

Regular price $108.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $108.00 CAD
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Goldstone Tumble

Dimension 20mm -  25mm
Product Small Tumble
Crystal Goldstone
Quantity Varies based on size
Weight 500 g


Chakras: Sacral (2nd)  

Legend has it that goldstone was first discovered by alchemists, as they attempted to make gold. It was created by adding copper salts into a glass furnace. Goldstone has a lovely color and sheen to it and has very gently energy. Although subtle, its energy can be uplifting, reminding us of the need to reduce pent-up tension and celebrate the beauty of being alive.

Reference: The Book of Stones, Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

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